I’m too out of it today to make any trades, unless any of my limit orders hit. My interview went well this morning and I’m waiting for a call back this afternoon from the President to find out the next steps. My wife had a third interview at the same time which also went well. I have a busy work afternoon so I am only writing some quick observations on a few positions I already hold.
Remember, I’m not a financial advisor, so trade on these thoughts at your own risk.
MRO is up again today. Selling covered calls or more naked puts might be a good move for someone on MRO since it has been hanging between 57 and 61 for a little while now.
DWA was a perfectly timed trade yesterday for me. It’s up over $2 from where it was when I sold my naked puts. If it takes another dip, selling more puts would be good for someone without a current position in it.
FWLT is taking a beating, be careful. A move of $5-6 in a day is not uncommon. I still have a $240 paper profit on it, but ~$260 of time value remains for $10 OTM with less than 2 weeks to go. Definately tread lightly here. I’m hanging on for little longer to see how it goes.
DSX is still way out of the money, but you can get a better sale price now than I got last week on the naked puts. Shipping companies are sucking wind right now. I’m holding though as I think my cushion is deep enough.
MOT is my biggest paper loss right now (down $335), but I’m hanging on and plan to write covered calls when my options are assigned. I like it longer term and think I’ll end up with a profit, eventually.
Nothing else for now. I’ll be back with more when I get my head screwed back on later.