I haven’t traded much lately. I’m pissed at myself still since I missed the beginning of this rally. I planned to come in strong when I saw the chart say the time was right. I saw it happen and didn’t react and still haven’t. I just haven’t found the trade I want yet and have been spending more time working than researching new stocks. That’s good for my career, but isn’t making my investments stand out.
As a recruiter I’m busy when it’s a bull market and I have a lot of time when fear reigns over the markets and managers don’t want to hire. My account closed above $60,000 yesterday, but is down about $450 this morning which pulled me back under that mark. We’re refinancing our house (more on that another day, in short we’re keeping the principle the same and lowering our fixed payment by ~$250) and will make additional deposits after we close so I know what money we have available.
My current holdings/positions are listed below. My two put spreads (NDAQ and SSO) are sitting near break even right now. Depending on how the next few days go I might let the underlying positions be assigned to me at the reduced price from my spread. Both are still good long term plays in my mind, so that could be my new bullish play.
I’m still long on JOYG and TDW without covered calls, so up days on the market are still helping me with those. That makes me feel better about not buying back my long puts on SSO when I had a few hundred dollar profit on them. MON is sitting almost break even on the last covered call I sold, but that could change by $10 by Friday in either direction. I don’t know what I’m going to do with it either. I might roll it if it’s in the money on Friday afternoon. I messed up with my USO covered calls. I left a lot of money on the table by setting my strike too low.
Your long positions look very good as they broke out of their trading ranges and moved higher with the market the last 5 days.
Yep, definitely happy with those. Too bad I didn’t have more, but my account is up for the year, so I have no room to complain.