I’ve been getting left behind in this rally mainly thanks to my long position on VXX. Also a lot of my naked puts are getting fairly far out of the money and covered calls are deep in the money. That means a lot of the time value has already evaporated, so each positive day in the markets doesn’t give me close to the same beta in my account. It’s hard to complain though when some of the underlying stocks in my positions such as JPM and INTC sell off after earnings and my options balance me out. Still, I decided I needed more upside opportunities in the hopes of not getting left behind too far, but also not taking stupid risks with the rally this long in the tooth already.
That took me shopping for what’s hot and could stay hot for the next five and a half weeks through November options expiration. It didn’t take me long to start considering a position on GLD, the large gold ETF. My first inclination was to sell a naked put, but wised up quickly with the fear that I could just be wrong on the direction in the near term and the premiums didn’t cover too much downside risk with as fast as GLD can move in either direction.
Since premiums were fairly cheap due to the current low volatility I started looking at buying a call, but again I couldn’t see enough profit potential over the next few weeks. Based on the trend lines I draw, GLD has a chance of reaching $140+- in less than a month and a half. With that target in mind I started looking at put and call spreads. The risk/reward was equal with the call and put spreads I was eyeing and I decided to go down the put option path in case GLD heads lower and then finds support I might sell my long put for a profit and take the assignment on the short put to go long on GLD at a reduced price. That would open the door to selling covered calls on it or buying a put and staying long if I thought another rally was due. That might sound more complicated than it is, but the short version is that I see more opportunities by selling the put spread than buying the call spread.
While GLD was trading at $133.79 I sold one November 140 put for $7.42 and bought one GLD November 130 put for $1.82 and received $557.97 net after commissions. My total possible profit is the net premium I took in today, $557.97. My total downside I can lose is $442.03 which is the difference between my strikes ($10 x 100 shares = $1,000) minus the premiums I already collected. So, I’m risking $442.03 for the chance to make $557.97. GLD needs to be above $134.42 for me to breakeven. That’s only a little bit above today’s closing price. I actually considered waiting until tomorrow or Friday for this trade to see if GLD retested its opening low after it gapped up today, but decided that even if it faltered in the near term I still think it’ll be higher next month when my options expire.
One of the factors that could make it falter would be a strengthening dollar which I don’t think is terribly likely anytime soon. If that does happen, my UCO shares would drop and my November 10 calls would cover me for 8.5% of the way down. A stronger dollar could tip the SPX in the other direction and send my VXX shares higher again. This trade doesn’t get me too much closer to a beta of 1 with the broader markets, but it could be a decent profit for a low risk if it works.
What’s your plan of action on VXX? I just got assigned my short put at $20…i am trying to decide if I should do a strangle or just covered call.
Hopefully..it’s not headed to ZERO 🙁
I might have to write up a longer response to this in a more comprehensive post, but in short – I plan to sit on it. I see the VIX and VIX futures are near their lows of the year right now and believe VXX will rebound eventually. I don’t know if it will be this year or next, but do see a recovery at some point and until then I’ll stay long and will use the position as a hedge for future corrections on my long stock/ETF positions. Volatility ebbs and flows and we’re just not at the right part of the cycle for those of us long VXX.
I have thought about buying puts to protect more downside while I stay long, but haven’t pulled the trigger yet.
I ended buying today, NOV 12 PUT for very cheap as a protection and financed it by selling NOV 17 CALL. Net .25 credit to account which is not much. But it protects my downside risk…however, it limits my upside at 17 which i can roll it forward if needed. Now i can sleep well.
Hi Alex,
Something fishy with VXX. Seems to need a flash crash for it to rise. Painful to watch.
Back to GLD, basically a coin toss? Not really your style, IMHO. Good luck.
@ Mateen, I’m surprised you took a credit on your option combination. I like leaving more room for upside potential in VXX for a big spike.
@ Mule, VXX can definately be painful to watch most days recently, but days like today (up 5.0% as I write this) happen just often enough to keep me in it. Since VXX is not in direct correlation to the VIX, but instead to futures, then it’s not as easy to predict. I still think its days will come again. Re GLD, I needed something outside of my usual style. You’re possibly right about it being a coin toss, but you could say that about any trade/position.
Let me clarify that..that was a net deposit to my account if i waited for an hour, i could have gotten better price since vxx is up today .
VXX is certainly rock’n today! Most of your positions can be managed to a profit even if they work against you, so they’re much better that a coin toss.